Elect Sanjeev Manohar for State Rep in NH

Join the movement for a stronger New Hampshire with Sanjeev Manohar's blueprint

Vote for a better future


America's core values are at stake in November

We are in a dogfight to save our system of government. On Nov 5, we will know if USA will remain a representative democracy or an autocracy with fake elections. With Harris/Walz we've regained the momentum in race but we are still the underdog. Down ballot races like Sanjeev's are just as important as the top of the ticket because together we will be able to turn back the tide of authoritarianism at the state/county levels. Join Sanjeev Manohar's campaign for a stronger, democratic New Hampshire.

A most consequential is election coming up ........ are you ready?

Together we will...

Maintain Healthy Communities

Increase access to affordable healthcare, elevate importance of mental health, protect clean water and clean soil, reauthorize Medicaid expansion, support veterans and their families, promote common sense firearm legislation.

Bolster Public Education

Fund our public schools fairly and equitably, limit damage caused by Education Freedom Accounts, repeal the "Divisive Concepts" ban on what teachers are allowed to teach.

Support and Honor our Vets

Protect and defend reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, workers rights, support Supreme Court reform and protect the justice system from ideological takeovers.

Grow New Hampshire's Economy

Address our housing and childcare crises, increase the minimum wage, extend commuter rail from Boston, strengthen workforce pathways to high need careers.

Lower Costs for Granite Staters

Provide property tax relief, address soaring energy prices, shore up the NH retirement system, stop downshifting costs to our counties cities and towns.

Veterans need and deserve a strong economy that works for them, and access to high-quality, affordable health care. Sanjeev will strongly advocate for economic programs that create jobs for Veterans, and make our nation more competitive in the 21st century.

Protect Our Rights and Freedoms

Contact Us

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assorted-color abstract painting

For inquiries or to get involved with the campaign, please reach out to us.